Pathways to Discipleship
September's theme is Peace. The pandemic, riots, and political disputes have created a current of anxiety in us all. And Jesus says, "do not worry about anything." Really, Jesus?!
Choose some or all of the resources below to discover God's promises and from that place of awareness to share them with others.
Targeted to Youth Families All
You'll find links to Scripture for the week articles and blogposts in this space.
Videos will appear here as well as the Zoom links for bi-monthly gatherings.
"Don't Be Anxious About Anything?" (recording of class)
Rev. Anna Dickson
The Peace of Wild Things - Wendell Berry
Y Riley's Emotions Show How They Express Themselves
Links to podcasts, sermons or songs will appear here.
This space will offer activities, service options and other actions.
How to Combat Worry - Study on Luke 12:22-34
4 Tips for Navigating Anxiety during COVID - Brené Brown
You are accepted - Paul Tillich
"A Season of Peace"daily reflections 9/6-10/4 from the PCUSA Peacemaking Program or download all reflections
Y Inside Out: Understanding Your Emotions
A Pray for teachers and students
Y How Should a Christian Respond to Anxiety and Depression?
Disclaimer: This podcast uses male pronouns for God
A Pray for a sense of serenity and calmness as you read the news
Mark 4:35-41 (Jesus calms the storm)
I Worried - Mary Oliver
Serenity Prayer -Reinhold Neibuhr
Y Stop Trying to be Productive
F This is our season of coaching our children through disappointment
In Hebrew, Shalom is about wholeness and restoration of a fragmented self and world.. Think of your own brokenness and imagine how you might tap into the peace of Christ to bring about your own well-being..
"Taming the Anxiety Beast" (recording of class)
Rev. Bunny Alexander [bio]
Taming the Anxiety Beast Handout
Y Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often​
Serenity Prayer - In Every Day Words - Fr. James Martin
Watch: Edward Hicks: The Peaceable Kingdom
Y Passing the Peace-Reformed Worship
Listen to this again and imagine yourself as an agent of Peace mending the fragmentation of the world.
A Pray for those whose lives are upended by economic challenges.
A Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
Bringing peace to the world starts with personal action. Reflect on these questions of how you are showing up around issues of race and racial equity.
Reduce others' anxiety by tutoring. Learn more
Bring peace to Westerly families by stocking the emergency food pantry.