Pathways to Discipleship
The History of Christianity: It is a miracle that Christianity survived, but thanks to the the influence of direct witnesses to a resurrected Jesus (from the disciples and Paul), it has expanded across the globe in spite of persecution, schisms, and internal strife This three week overview traces the history of Jesus’s followers from his death to the present.
MARCH 3 - From Anguish to Triumph: 30 - 476 CE
From Anguish to Triumph PowerPoint
History of Christianity Timeline 30-476 CE
History of Christianity - Sources
Other book suggestions:
A Short History of Christianity - Stephen Tomkins
The Story of Christianity (two parts) justo Gonzalez
The History of Christianity: From Anguish to Triumph 30 - 476 CE - Bill Stevenson - recording of class
MARCH 10 - A Tale of Two Cities: 476 – 1517 CE
MARCH 17 - Reform, Division, Expansion: 1517 - 2024 CE
The History of Christianity: Reform, Division, and Expansion - 1517 - 2024 - Bill Stevenson - recording of class